Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Event/Person Highlight

Today is February twenty-third, I am John Smith and I am on of the Rebels fighting for the Alamo. I don’t know if I’m going to see tomorrow, the odds are agents us one thousand six hundred strong verses a good four or five thousand. Plus most of us were volunteers and didn’t have much military training. As I was waking up I see one of my buddies who had gotten sick with the flue sleeping. His name was Jason Lee and he was a good guy but a very annoying character. I didn’t want to get near him because I didn’t want to get sick or anything so I threw a rock at him. He didn’t move. I throw a little bit bigger rock, he still didn’t move. I go over to his bead side and see that he must of died last night when he was sleeping. I tried to keep my amoushions in but in the corner of my eye a tear slipped out. I now had to win not only for Texas but also for the loss of my beast friend. I new that the Mexicans were on their way so I get up and go get ready. It’s about ten-thirty and its getting really intense and scary waiting for the massive army coming for us; I go looking around for something to eat. As I’m eating it hits us. Off in the distance we all heard it, the yelling of hundreds of them, the floor was rumbling it felt like an earthquake. Knowing that they were closing in on us we all scrambled to are stations getting ready for the battle of are life. I was one of the field men witch is where you just go out there and go for it. They were about two hundred yards away form the Alamo and they were look-in mean and dangerous. We were all inside of the Alamo waiting for them to attack us. I took about twenty minutes for the first wave of them to come. As they started to charge all I could think about was the fact that we were most likely going to loose and what the hell am I doing here? Captain Almeron Dickinson gave the order to never give up and to give them one hell of a fight. His words were inspiring and thought full. Then they hit us with a booming noise they shot at the wall of the Alamo. We had some men out there and at first they were doing pretty good killing a couple hundred but they were getting tired and slowly their number got smaller and smaller. The Mexican army was insane they just kept coming and coming strong. Caption Dickinson told my group that we were up next, I was nervous but I new I had to do this, not just to stay alive but also for Texas and for Jason. I put my helmet on and made my way out side. The first thing I saw was one of my fellow soldiers gets shot in the face by one of them. Rush and I freak out them I get to them and just start to stab all of them, they were astonished that I had the guts to get up there and do that. I kill about twenty people and someone finally shoots me in my arm knocking the knife out of my hand. I then rushed back towards the Alamo and get my arm bandaged up; by the time I get my arm bandaged up they had gotten in and later taken over. We have lost, a sad day in Texas and in history.

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